Asunción Molinos Gordo
Sin título (montón de grano), 2014

Photo: Courtesy the artist, 2014

Digital photograph 
85 x 120 cm 


A photograph of a pile of wheat accumulated in a storage facility. In financial markets, so-called “high frequency trading” can only happen through standardized contracts, meaning standardizing the product itself. In this context, not all of the corn, soy, rice, and wheat grains are of use. When choosing crops, producers will select those that have better sale options. This logic, together with other factors, is what has contributed to the appearance of large-scale monocropping. Monocrops not only displace the production of other type of plants important for the local populations but not meant for export, they are also significantly more vulnerable to plagues and price drops. Most monocrops are not destined for human consumption but to animal feed and production of biodiesel.

Born in Aranda de Duero, Burgos, Spain, in 1979. Lives in Spain.